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Dr. Elke Süss, Application Specialist Ion Chromatography at Metrohm International Headquarters, presents ion chromatography for reliable quality control of infant formula. She includes application examples and discusses automation and inline sample preparation techniques.

Ion chromatography for qc of infant formula and baby food

A close-up shot of baby milk formula with a plastic measuring spoon and bottle.

Various local and global regulations and guidelines exist for quality control of baby food and infant formula. To comply with them, they refer to a range of analytical methods with different levels of complexity, sensitivity, and price.

Ion chromatography (IC) offers many advantages for quality control of infant formula and baby food:

  • IC is easy to use and safe
  • IC is a compact and direct technique, with low instrument and operating costs
  • IC is fast and quantifies multiple components in a single run

Learn more about IC for quality control of infant formula

Download free white paper

The free white paper "Robust multiparameter analysis of infant and follow-on formulas with ion chromatography (IC)" shows methods and advantages for determining carbohydrates, micronutrients, and contaminants in infant formula using ion chromatography. It provides an overview of IC applications and a summary of important regulations and guidelines regarding quality control of infant formula.

Learn more about ion chromatography