

Drinking water, mineral water

The water sample and the supporting electrolyte are pipetted into the measuring vessel. The simultaneous determination of cadmium and lead is carried out with a 884 Professional VA using the parameters specified in Table 1. The concentration of both elements is determined by two additions of a cadmium and lead standard addition solution.

The Bi drop electrode is electrochemically activated prior to the first determination of cadmium and lead.

Figure 1. 884 Professional VA fully automated for VA
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Setting
Mode DP – Differential Pulse
Deposition potential -1.1 V
Deposition time 60 s
Start potential -1 V
End potential -0.35 V
Peak potential Cd
-0.7 V
Peak potential Pb
-0.5 V
  • Working electrode: Bi drop
  • Reference electrode: Ag/AgCl/KCl (3 mol/L)
  • Auxiliary electrode: Glassy carbon rod

The method is suitable for the determination of cadmium and lead in water samples in concentrations up to 15 µg/L. The limit of detection of the method is 0.1 µg/L for approximately cadmium and 0.5 µg/L for lead.

Figure 2. Determination of cadmium and lead in tap water spiked with β(Cd) = 2 µg/L and β(Pb) = 2 µg/L
Table 2. Results
Sample Cd (µg/L) Pb (µg/L)
Tap water spiked with β(Cd) = 2 µg/L and β(Pb) = 2 µg/L 2.0 2.3


143-0006 東京都大田区平和島6-1-1
東京流通センター アネックス9階
