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Quality Always Triumphs & More The Metrohm Story

A Metrohm a világ legmegbízhatóbb precíziós kémiai analizátor gyártóinak egyike. A Metrohm-ot Bertold Suhner mérnök 1943-ban alapította a svájci Herisauban.

Ma több, mint 80 országban vagyunk jelen saját leányvállalatainkkal és kizárólagos forgalmazókkal.

A svájci Herisau-i központú Metrohm Csoporthoz tartozik a Metrohm Applikon és a Metrohm Autolab, akik online analizátorok, illetve elektrokémiai kutatáshoz alkalmas készülékek gyártói.


Staying true to who we are Our values

Bertold Suhner (1910–1988), a Metrohm AG alapítója.
Bertold Suhner (1910–1988), a Metrohm AG alapítója.

In today’s fast-moving global economy, companies and brands are bought and sold on short notice – with unpredictable consequences for customers as well as employees. This cannot happen to Metrohm.

We have been owned by the Metrohm Foundation since 1982. The Metrohm Foundation, which does not have any influence on the company’s business operations, sponsors students in the natural sciences, supports charitable and philanthropic purposes and, above all, safeguards the independence of the Metrohm company.

Our mission

  1. Understanding our customers and their needs.
  2. Thinking globally, acting locally.
  3. Delivering pioneering products and services for professional and sustainable solutions.
  4. Focusing on intensive and innovative in-house development.
  5. Maintaining our financial independence.
Bertold Suhner (1910–1988), founder of Metrohm AG
Bertold Suhner (1910–1988), founder of Metrohm AG

True to the spirit of our founder, Bertold Suhner, we have maintained our independence, allowing us to do things the Metrohm way. Metrohm is fully owned by the Metrohm Foundation, which was created by the company founder in 1982.

Since then, we have come a long way: We provide our products and services around the globe, through a network of subsidiaries, exclusive distributors, and regional support centers. While we have grown and changed over the years, we have stayed true to Mr. Suhner's values.

Our vision and values

Metrohm analysis instruments and methods allow our customers to work in a more accurate, reliable, environmentally compatible, and cost-effective way – helping them to be more successful than their competitors.

  1. Modesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Perfection
  4. Passion
  5. Curiosity
  6. Perseverance
  7. Trust
  8. Fairness


Sustainability, compliance, quality Our commitment

Metrohm awarded CDP badge
Committed to sustainable solutions: in our processes and our products.

We excel in analytical chemistry for a better world!

We have made it our mission to deliver pioneering and sustainable solutions to our customers.

As a globally active enterprise, we are aware of our economic, social, and environmental responsibilities – and we act accordingly.

  • We have been awarded Silver Recognition Level by EcoVadis, a group that assesses the quality of companies as suppliers, placing us in the top 30% of companies with regard to sustainability and CSR practices.
  • Our strong commitment to environmental transparency is confirmed by CDP, a not-for-profit charity co-funded by the European Union that runs a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states, and regions.

Quality you can trust.

We at Metrohm value quality – it has been in our DNA since 1943.

From application support to training, we've got you covered.

  • Expert consulting and application support
  • Installation, repair service, and preventive maintenance
  • Warranties and spare part availability

More about Metrohm Quality Service


Get to Know Our Products

Átfogó megoldások kémiai analízishez

Mi vagyunk a globális piacvezetők a titráláshoz használt analitikai berendezések terén.

Az ionkromatográfiás, voltammetriás, vezetőképességi és stabilitásmérő készülékeink teszik teljessé az ionanalitikai műszer választékunkat. A közeli infravörös és a Raman spektroszkópia a portfóliónk másik erőteljesen növekvő szegmense.

Egyaránt kínálunk analitikai készülékeket a laboratóriumba és a gyártás területére

A laboratóriumi technikák és módszerek elérhetők az automatizált gyártásközi analízisekhez is. A Metrohm Process Analytics kínálata a különböző iparágakban felmerülő bármely igényre kiterjedő megoldások széles skáláját öleli fel.Metrohm Applikon has created a wide range of solutions covering any needs in a variety of industries.

A Metrohm Process Analytics testesíti meg a Metrohm laboratóriumi elemzés terén szerzett szakértelmét és az Applikon cég több évtizedes folyamatelemzési knowhow-ját.

Analizátorok elektrokémiai kutatásokhoz 

VIONIC setup with Electrocatalysis RRDE cell (RRDE.CELL.CPL.S)

Az elektrokémia fontos szerepet játszik az olyan úttörő technológiákban, például az akkumulátor-kutatás, az üzemanyagcellák és a fényelektromos technológiák.

A Metrohm elektrokémiai portfoliója mindent lefed a potenciosztátoktól / galvanostátoktól kezdve a tartozékokig és a szoftverig.

Két elektrokémiára specializálódott leányvállalatunk a hollandiai Utrechtben székelő Metrohm Autolab és a spanyolországi asztúriai Metrohm DropSens elektrokémiai berendezések széles skáláját fejleszti és gyártja.

Raman spektroszkópia

Raman, Mira DS, 29260020, Hazmat, truck, protection gear

A Laramie, Wyoming (USA) székhelyű Metrohm Raman kézi Raman spektrométereket fejleszt és gyárt..

A Metrohm családnak ez a legújabb tagja a Metrohm portfólióját új, hordozható, anyagok azonosítására és ellenőrzésére szolgáló készülékekkel bővíti ki..

Application development and know-how Our expertise

940 Professional IC Vario, customer demonstration, IC specialist

We have always kept a focus on the practical application of our instruments.

If you are facing a particular analytical challenge, you are likely to find a solution among our thousands of applications documented in our databases. If you cannot find it there, we are happy to develop it for you.

Browse our application notes


Working towards a common goal – our involvement in standard-giving organizations.

Standards influence our daily lives, and their omnipresence has an impact not only on our everyday life but also the economy.  

As a leading supplier of equipment for analytical analyses, we cooperate with national and international standardization bodies, such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the Association of Official Analytical Collaboration (AOAC) International, the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the British Standards Institution (BSI), the French Standardization Association (AFNOR), the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV), and others.

Our cooperation with these organizations aims at defining, improving, and modernizing analytical testing procedures. These efforts, in turn, play an instrumental role in fulfilling safety, quality, and sustainability requirements and affect the safety and quality of life of the general population.

We are here when you need us Our global presence

Metrohm worldwide

Thanks to our global presence in 80 countries through Metrohm subsidiaries, regional support centers, and a network of exclusive distributors, we are able to ensure fast and local support across the globe.

This allows you to get instrument consulting, application expertise, technical support, and instrument service and maintenance no matter where you are.